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Пятница, 17.05.2024, 14:28
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Главная » 2012 » Август » 21 » Обновление :3
Обновление :3
Залил обновление, скачиваем в блоке "БЫСТРЫЙ СТАРТ" (копипаста-мастееер)
Ну а для тех кому не нравится ченджлог из предыдущего сообщения, ловите ванильный на английском. (копипаста-мастееер) :3
### Beta - 01.08.2012

 [FIXED] Crash when using Lua scripts with error (on some systems)
 [FIXED] Crash in some cases when people with IP ban try to join
 [FIXED] Buildings/portals not working without language files
 [FIXED] Breakables/DynWalls were not affected by light/shadow engine
 [FIXED] Crash/bugs when translating language string 0433
 [FIXED] Command cmsg not working when using spaces
 [FIXED] Lua image tags not working
 [FIXED] "Heavy" for weapon weight missing in translation file
 [FIXED] Some misspellings in translation files
 [FIXED] "Arctic Avengers" listed twice as terrorist faction
 [FIXED] Changing supply items with E didn't work from some positions
 [FIXED] Some U.S.G.N. connectivity issues
 [FIXED] AI bug with friendly fire and teamkills (thanks to Klin)
 [FIXED] Sounds were still played (very quietly) with volume setting 0
 [FIXED] Lua command entitylist didn't return all entities
 [FIXED] U.S.G.N. login timed out when using the editor for a few minutes
 [FIXED] Chat spam protection doesn't kick if chat output is suppressed with say/sayteam hook
 [FIXED] Disabled Lua menu buttons can not be used with the numeric keys anymore
 [FIXED] Several bugs when triggering env_building entities (invisible buildings etc.)
 [CHANGED] Improved internal friendlist handling, allowing higher friends count
 [CHANGED] "debuglag" debugging info is not displayed for players with stealth armor
 [CHANGED] ATTENTION: Lua command entitylist now works a bit differently!
 [ADDED] Infinite roundtime in standard game mode is now possible (mp_roundtime 100)
 [ADDED] Command setname now has a "hide" parameter (do not display change in chat)
 [ADDED] Lua command reqcld has new parameters (request if lightengine is on or file is loaded)
 [ADDED] Lua hook name now has a "forced" parameter (see if a nick change was forced with setname)
 [ADDED] Lua hook startround_prespawn (on new round before spawning)
 [ADDED] "gasmask" parameter for Lua player command (see if player has gasmask)
 [ADDED] "sys/lua/autorun" folder. All Lua scripts in it will be executed automatically
 [ADDED] Undo function for tile operations in editor (CTRL+Z, unlimited undo steps)
 [ADDED] Entity Trigger_If (conditional trigger with Lua expression as condition)
 [ADDED] Some translations by community members (see Readme.txt for credits)
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